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FSCALE            Set Scale                   Exception Flags: I O U

       Logic:      ST . ST * 2

     FSCALE treats the number in ST(1) as an integer and adds it to the
     exponent of the number in ST. This instruction is the same as the
     following calculation:
                       ST . ST * 2

                                   15           15
     The number in ST(1) must be -2  . ST(1) < 2  . It is truncated before
     the operation is performed. If 0 < ST(1) < 1, the result is undefined
     (and no exception is generated).

   Operands            Clocks         Bytes           Example
   FSCALE              32-38            3             FSCALE

        Note:          You can use FSCALE for quick multiplication or
                       division by powers of 2.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson